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Vacancy Dentist in the Netherlands

Dental Expat for Dentist is an intermediary party between foreign dentists and established dental practices in the Netherlands. We guide and advise foreign dentists who aim to work in the Netherlands. We help with all necessary steps that need to be taken in order to start a career here.

If you are interested to work in the Netherlands, we can help you to find a job in short time.

You need enthousiasm to start a new career abroad, love for dentistry, speak (fluently) English and willing to learn dutch. Experience is desired, but not mandatory

Curious? Please call or e-mail us for further details or make an appointment. We will be happy to meet you and discuss the advantages and opportunities with you.

Our Headquarter is located 15 minutes from Amsterdam. We have work locations all over the Netherlands.

Who are we?

Dental Expat is a specialist agency that helps foreign speaking people to go to the dentist.  Looking for a dentist of your own native language speaking country in the Netherlands? we are ready to help you reach your desired native speaking dentist in the Netherlands. We help you in planning an appointment, thinking about your wishes for forwarding to a dental practice near you.

Our Benefits

  • Dentist from your own country
  • Dentist speaking your own native language
  • Easy match ansd accessible
  • Open and transparent communications
  • High-quality dental treatments
  • Fixed prices list in English: set by the government, you don’t need to pay extra costs
  • Plan an appointment in a week